
What are tokens in AI?

What are Tokens in AI?

Basic Units of Text: Tokens are the smallest meaningful units into which text data is broken down before being fed into an AI language model.

Not Always Complete Words: Tokens can be: Whole words (e.g., "the", "cat", "run") Parts of words (e.g., prefixes and suffixes like "un-" and "-able") Special characters (e.g., punctuation, symbols that carry meaning)

Machine Understanding: AI models can't process raw text like humans do. Breaking language into tokens allows them to recognize patterns and relationships between words (or parts of words).

Why Token Matters in AI

Handling Complexities of Language:  Tokenization helps manage: Different word forms: ("running" and "ran" might be tokenized into "run" + a suffix) Phrases: ("New York" might be a single token) Out-of-vocabulary words: Breaking them into known smaller units for analysis

Word-level Tokens Subword Tokens Character-level Tokens Special Tokens

Types of AI Tokens

Consider the sentence: "The quick brown fox jumped." Word-level tokenization: ["The", "quick", "brown", "fox", "jumped", "."] Subword tokenization: Might split "jumped" into ["jump", "##ed"] to recognize the past tense.

Examples of tokens in AI

Tokenization is a crucial step in natural language processing (NLP) tasks like: Machine translation Text summarization Chatbots Content generation
